Jitendra Singh Jodha

Jitendra Singh Jodha

Advocate, Hanumangarh
4 Answers

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Licensed for 30 years
Fluent in Hindi, English
About Advocate Jitendra Singh Jodha

Law graduate from Dungar college Bikaner (Raj) 1994 School - Birla School Pilani (Raj) law practitioner since 1994.

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Practice Areas
Family Law
Marriage, Divorce, Alimony and maintenance, Restitution of conjugal rights, Judicial separation, Domestic violence, 498a, Child custody, Annulment of marriage, Muslim law, Other family matters
Criminal Law
Cheque bounce, Fraud/Default, Forgery/Cheating, Breach of trust, FIR, Bail/Anticipatory Bail, Police action, Trespass, Other criminal matters
Civil Law
Legal notice, Civil cases, Civil disputes, Loans, Recovery of money, Motor accident, Defamation, Summary suit, Other civil matters
  • Rajasthan High Court

  • Rajasthan High Court (Jaipur Bench)

Recent cases handled
Type of case
1 Mar 2021
Family Law
Wife filed false case against husband alleging harrasment for dowry and cruelty
Husband was proved not guilty
Jitendra Singh Jodha's recent answers
Office location
Civil court campus Nohar district
Hanumangarh 335524
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