Alakesh Medhi

Alakesh Medhi

Advocate, Guwahati

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Fluent in Hindi, English, Bengali, Assamese
About Advocate Alakesh Medhi

Engaged to provide assistance in litigation - both civil and criminal, arbitration, recovery suits, matrimonial suits, corporate, criminal, winding-up petitions, consumer rights, motor accident claims and many more areas.

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Practice Areas
Criminal Law
Cheque bounce, Fraud/Default, Forgery/Cheating, Breach of trust, FIR, Bail/Anticipatory Bail, Cybercrime, Other criminal matters
Property Law
Rights of sons/daughters/wife, Legal heir, Legal heirship certificate, Buying property, Selling property, Partition of property, Tenant/landlord/eviction, Sale agreement, Sale deed, Succession certificate, Succession of property, Power of attorney, Builder issues, Wills and trusts
Civil Law
Name change, Passport issues, Date of birth issues, Aadhar card issues, PAN card issues, Legal notice, Civil cases, Civil disputes, Loans, Recovery of money, Motor accident, Medical negligence, Defamation, Insurance
Business Law
Corporate matters, Business contracts, Arbitration
Intellectual Property
Constitutional Law
Fundamental rights, Writ petitions, Public interest litigation
Consumer Law
Consumer forum, Consumer protection, Other consumer issues
  • Gauhati High Court

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