1. I have been cleared of the DV case by an order by the judge stating that the wife her self dose not want to live with the husband and there is no Domestic violence.
This judgment will go a long way to prove that she has abandoned the matrimonial home voluntarily and living separately away from you which constitutes a solid ground for a fresh divorce case on the same grounds.
2. My 498a case is still pending in the court .
This can be challenged based on the merits in yor side during trial.
3. Sir, Please suggest any other option where in my case is disposed of early:-
a. Can I write request letters to the following:-
I. Judge dealing my case: NO
II. Law minister : NO
III. Any other authority : NO
There will be no use in writing to any of these people.
You can follow the procedures as laid down in the law under this circumstances. You can discuss about this with your lawyer.
4. Must be any other option like a writ petition etc.
Dont imagine too much about this. NO WRIT PETITION SHALL BE MAINTAINABLE.
You have the options for fresh divorce cae by withdrawing the present appeal.
5. Since we tend to come across news about how the judiciary is trying to fast track its case .However, in my case its already 6 yrs now.stayed together for 20 days & no children out of this wedlock.
You were misguided all along hence you are suffering.
You can change the lawyer at this stage also if h is not guiding you properly.