1) apply for and obtain your father medical records from the hospital
2) The Medical Council of India has imposed an obligation on Hospitals as per the
regulations notified on 11th March 2002, amended up to December 2010 to maintain the
medical record and provide patient access to it.
3) Maintenance of Medical Records:
1.3.1. Every physician shall maintain the medical records pertaining to his/her
indoor patients for a period of three years from the date of commencement of the
treatment in a standard proforma laid down by the Medical Council of India and
attached as Appendix 3.
1.3.2. If any request is made for medical records either by the
patients/authorised attendant or legal authorities involved, the same may
be duly acknowledged and documents shall be issued within the period of
72 hours.
4) consult a reputed doctor and obtain his written opinion that there has been negligence by doctor performing operation in your father treatment
5) lodge police complaint for negligence against the doctor and hospital wherein your father was hospitalised
6) file complaint before consumer forum and seek compensation