Dear Client,
Having already instituted a suit for equitable division of the ancestral land, you have every right in law to make complaints against the improperand unequal division of the 12 Gunta land. Your uncles went ahead anddivided the land and constructedbuildings in your absence without informing or consulting you, in the backdrop of legal proceedings, thereby strengthening your case ofapproaching the court for the division. As ancestral property has to be divided equally among all legal heirs, the shape and usability of the land become equally relevant issues in determining equity.
As your share is triangular but your uncles have occupied rectangular portions more useful for construction and development, you can approachthe court and plead that this division is not only unequal in terms of area but unequal in terms of usability in a practical sense as well. The fact thatthe well is situated in a place alsoprevents you from utilizing the land to its fullest extent, and the possibility of government road developmentsfurther diminishes the value of your share. As your uncles have appropriated the better parts ofbenefit, you can approach the court and plead that this distribution is discriminatory and seek an equitableredistibution so that each brother getsland of equal value, shape, and utility.
To strengthen your case, you should submit a site map with the details of the differences, the limitations due tothe well and road, and the fact that your uncles have already profited by building rental houses on their share. Also, as you have paid for the suit now, you can go ahead and file objections to the unequal division and ask the court to order a new survey and redistribution. You can also askfor an injunction against further construction or leasing out of the land until the matter is settled. It is better to consult a property lawyer to file an amendment in your suit, stressing that the division should not only be equal in measurement but also in practical usability.
Hope you find this answer beneficial for resolving the dispute.