• Regarding Daag and Patta of a purchased land

My father purchased a plot of land in Assam and accordingly mutation was done against his name in the revenue record. The land record was also converted into my father's name in the municipality record by paying the taxes.. The multiplicity has also issued holding no. against my father.. Now, a group of people is telling that we are possessing a wrong plot and the daag and Patta are mismatched.. What should be done in this case?
Asked 7 years ago in Property Law
Religion: Hindu

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13 Answers

It is to be seen how far is their claim right and what is the absis of their claim.

mere claim of wrong numbering of plot is not enough.

So f you are in possession of the plot and there is no claim on your land for long time then you need not do anything except to retain possession and let the person claiming wrong number go to court and seek their rights, if any.

Once such suit is filed you can contest it on merit.

Devajyoti Barman
Advocate, Kolkata
23361 Answers
524 Consultations

1) if daag and patta are mismatched request govt survey office to carry out survey of your land

2) deed of rectification can be executed by seller to correct the mistake tin survey numbers

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97643 Answers
7904 Consultations

1. These people may be criminals with nefarious design. So file a suit for permanent injunction to restrain them from illegally dispossessing you from your land.

2. They are free to go to court and file a civil suit for declaration of their title to the property, which you can contest.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
30814 Answers
974 Consultations

1. You may apply for correction of mismatching of numbers.

2. You may approach Civil Court for corrections.

3. The boundaries mentioned in respect of your plot will prevail over numbers mentioned in the records/deeds.

Kishan Dutt Kalaskar
Advocate, Bangalore
6193 Answers
493 Consultations

If the group is interfering with your peaceful possession, File FIR.

Yogendra Singh Rajawat
Advocate, Jaipur
23012 Answers
31 Consultations

The people who claim that this error should prove that how this is an error.

The land records or revenue records may be erroneously entered hence you may even clarify from the land revenue department about this dispute and clarify the details.

If necessary you may even give an affidavit to this effect and get the correct and proper particulars recorded or rectify the previous records with correct details.

If there is an error ion the registered sale deed, then a rectification deed may be executed by the vendor in our father's favor rectifying the error after which the revenue records also can be rectified.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
87844 Answers
2366 Consultations


You have to do nothing if you are in possession of the place. Let them file a civil suit for eviction and see what grounds and evidence they have.

You have all the documents in your name and therefore you do not have to worry.


Anilesh Tewari
Advocate, New Delhi
18091 Answers
377 Consultations

Oral information about the location of the property by the people having vested interests cannot become law or a rule.

You ascertain the details through land revenue department and after that you may plan to file any suit which may be appropriate to your situation.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
87844 Answers
2366 Consultations

1) request survey office to carry out survey of your land

2) you would find out whether your survey no’s are correct or not

3) don’t sell land at low price

4) consult a local lawyer

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97643 Answers
7904 Consultations

File complain for criminal trespass and mischief otherwise be in this confusion that land belongs to them,

Yogendra Singh Rajawat
Advocate, Jaipur
23012 Answers
31 Consultations

1. The miscreants, if they disturb and create nuisance, you may lodge a criminal complaint against them for nuisance and also criminal trespass.

2. Are you sure that the seller handed over wrong plot, then which is the right or correct plot?

The seller may be asked to identify your property which was sold by him.

Failing which you may file a suit seeking to direct him to hand over the correct property

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
87844 Answers
2366 Consultations

1) police generally do not carry out investigations properly unless you follow it up vigorously

2)file suit seek injunction restraining miscreants from disturbing your possession of land

3)if you have been cheated and handed wrong plot file case of cheating against seller under section 420 of IPC

4) seek refund of your money with interest

5) seller is liable under indemnity clause in the sale deed

6) file suit to recover your money

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97643 Answers
7904 Consultations

Show documents,

Yogendra Singh Rajawat
Advocate, Jaipur
23012 Answers
31 Consultations

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