1. You can make a representation seeking permission to use the road and raise this question too if your permission is denied.
2. The backside road though to be handed over to the government, it is for the usage of the residents belonging to that plotted layout. You cannot lay your rights over it which do not belong to you neither you have any easement rights in it.
If you have an access road of your own, your claim on that road is illegal and invalid.
3. That road do not belong to your layout, it is the problem of the residents of that layout, you cannot interfere in that, if you are still interested about it, you can approach the land revenue department about it.
4. The road created in that layout is for the benefit and use of the residents of that layout alone. It will not become public road to be used commonly by anyone or everyone even though it has to be handed over to the government.
If that is the only access for you to approach road, you can claim easement rights, but since you have another road for ingress and egress, your claim is not legally valid and justified, you have to be contended with your own access..