If the property has been transferred alongwith the title then he is the rightful owner, this facr can be seen from the records of sub registrar.
Sir, x has sold his property to y & z cobindly and executed a sale cum gpa, aftrr taking a consideration. Later, z died. Later, y and legal heirs of z combindly sold the property to q. Now , pls confirm whethet q has valid anf absolute title over the property..
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If the property has been transferred alongwith the title then he is the rightful owner, this facr can be seen from the records of sub registrar.
Yes q has valid title over the proeprty.
However do note that the GPA will have to be registered one and if it done to outside family members then the date of GPA should not be beyond 2010.
1)is the POA registered?"
2) did Y and legal heirs of Z execute registered sale deed in favour of Q
3) we need complete facts of case to advice
If the sale deed is in the joint name of Y and Z then the sale deed executed by the legal heirs of Y and Z are valid.
According to GPA , need to get more information for answer the query. TO execute and what purpose do it .