File an application under Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (PWDVA), instituted in 2005.You should be provided with adequate medical facilities, counselling and shelter homes as well as legal aid when required.
You can seek accommodation, maintenance, return of gold ornaments and protection from life threat .Make all in laws are the respondent along with your husband.
Protection orders for the victim’s safety can be issues against the respondent, and includes for when he commits violence, aid or abets it, enters any place which the victim frequents or attempts to communicate with her, restricts any form of assets of the victim or causes violence to people of interest to the victim. The respondent has to provide relief to the victim to compensate for loss, including loss of earnings, medical expenses, any expenses incurred due to loss of property by destruction, damage or removal, and maintenance of the victim and her children.
Section 2(q) of the Act reads: “‘respondent’ means any adult male person who is, or has been, in a domestic relationship with the aggrieved person and against whom the aggrieved person has sought any relief under DV Act.”
If joblessness is not a ground to deny maintenance by husband. The Supreme Court said that the words 'adult male person' were contrary to the object of affording protection to women who have suffered from domestic violence 'of any kind'.