THE HINDU MINORITY & GUARDIANSHIP ACT 1956 provide the protection of minors property. The natural guardian of a Hindu minor has power, subject to the provisions of this section, to do all acts which are necessary or reasonable and proper for the benefit of the minor or for the realization, protection or benefit of the minor’s estate; but the guardian can in no case bind the minor by a personal covenant.
The natural guardian shall not, without the previous permission of the court,-
(a) mortgage or charge, or transfer by sale, gift, exchange or otherwise, any part of the immovable property of the minor, or
(b) lease any part of such property for a term exceeding five years or for a term extending more than one year beyond the date on which the minor will attain majority.
Seek permission from the court for appointment of Guardian of the property of The Minor Ward and petition Filed Under Section 7 and 16 of the Guardians And Wards Act 1890 for sale of immovable property.