1. Find out from the registration office when the said sale deed was registered by the Borrower. Was it after creating mortgage on the said property with the lending Bank or before that?
2. If the said property was sold after mortgaging the same with the Bank, then the said sale is illegal since mortgaged property can ot be dealt with by the mortgagor without the written consent of the mortgagee.
3. In the above case, write to the Tehshilder that the said sale and subsequent mutation is illegal.
4. If the property was sold before creating mortgage, lodge a complaint against the lending Branch of the Bank to its higher officers including Ombudsman seek return of your money paid with interest , damage and cost.
5.If Bank refuses to act as above, file a Writ Petition against the Bank (if it is a PSU Bank) aainst its inaction seeking relief.