-my question is why LICHFL has sanctioned my loan if the papers were not proper.
This question only LIC shall answer or you could have sent a legal notice to the organisation at that time when they rejected the sanction of further loan at a later stage demanding the reasons for this.
what for dealer not giving possession but charging interest.
For taking possession you should have made the payments in full, therefore the interest is charged for the delayed payment.
its matter of agony not money..means us normal people are at mercy of system?
*****if i file legal of mental agony what all i have to spent and consequences.
This is a result of not following the procedures properly when you were required to do them. You had been casual for the problems at that time had it not been, you would not have faced any problem now. There is no reason for agitating over the lapses in your side for not enquiring properly about the project, not taking legal opinion into the purchase before booking the flat, not even taken anything seriously when the LIC rejected the loan application, had been changing bank after bank for loan without realising the actual problem within. You could have taken action against the builder very long ago for the lapses on his side when you started facing problems with banks/financial institutions for loan. Even now you can communicate to the builder refusing to pay the penal interest owing to his delay in completion of the construction work.
Discuss with an advocate at least at this stage for initiating any legal action, if there are any chance for that.