This is the initial stage of your married life and during such initial stage the trivial issues of this nature will dominate and play a pivotal role to create mental disturbances which may cause mental agony and leave a peace-less atmosphere.
At this stage patience is the most important thing to be adopted at least for the sake of the infant child.
She may be adamant and rude but if you introspect you may find lot of fault in your side too.
Se may shout at a fit of anger that she will divorce you etc., such things are common these days because the women feel that they are being discriminated due to male domination or chauvinism
It may take time for her to realise you as well as your importance.
Her parents may be the culprits who sow poison in her mind by frequent ill advises.
if you are against the divorce and want to save the marriage, do not accept her proposal and challenge her move in the court but before that reconcile the differences with her at least for the sake of child and try to pacify her and adjust with her to the feasible extent.