section 4 of karntaka ownership of flats act .
Promoter before accepting advance payment or deposit to enter intoagreement and agreement to be registered.- Notwithstanding anything
contained in any other law a promoter who intends to construct or constructs a
block or building of flats, all or some of which are to be taken or are taken on
ownership basis, shall, before he accepts any sum of money as advance
payment or deposit, which shall not be more than twenty per cent of the sale
price, enter into a written agreement for sale with each of such persons who are
to take or have taken such flats, and the agreement shall be registered under the
Registration Act, 1908 and such agreement shall contain the prescribed
particulars; and to such agreement there shall be attached such documents or
copies thereof, in respect of such matters, as may be prescribed.
2) under section 6 .it is promoter Responsibility for payment of outgoings till property is transferred.-
3) section 8 provides promoter shall give possession in accordance with the terms of his
agreement of a flat duly completed by the date specified, or any further
date or dates agreed to by the parties;he shall Refund of amount paid with interest for failure to give possession within specified time or further time allowed.-
4) under section 11 . Promoter is bound to convey title, etc., and execute documents, according to
5) agreement for sale/ sale deed entered into by the builder would mention the completion date of project , consideration to be paid , allotment of car parking slot , electricity meter