A and b share a common boundary of their field and b has problem regarding the path leading to the field of a .about ten days back while a along with his wife was suddenly attacked by b and his wife. wife of b hit wife of a with a sharp edges weapon (spade) while a and b were engaged in fist fight. hearing the commotion two people working in nearby field came running to separate them in the meantime wife b fell to the ground after being hit bleeding.wife of b sat on the fallen woman and started giving blows allover her body . neighbour came and separated them while being separated wife of b pulled out a ear ring with force causing injury to her earlobe and took away the ear ring also.victim was taken to the hospital.wound on the head was stiched and m l r was prepared three injury were mentioned.(a) simple injury on head with blunt weapon (b) tear mark on earlobe (c) abrasion on allover body . police charged them under crpc 107/151 and granted bail .why an injury with sharp weapon was mentioned with blunt weapon and left so lightly is best known to them.now the victim is depressed and feels helpless can you please suggest some legal remedy so that some justice is done to the victim.thanks
Asked 7 years ago in Criminal Law
Religion: Hindu
what further acton need to be taken by victim to get some justice
Asked 7 years ago
What should be done to get some justie
Asked 7 years ago
though victim was hit on the head with the blade of spade causing wound 3 to 4 cm long and 1 to 1.5 cm deep requiring stiches but in m l r doctor has recorded simple injury caused by blunt weapon. any remedy for this.thanks
Asked 7 years ago