Conducting academic course without any kind of authorisation
1.There is a illegal fire safety engineering training institute(without any affiliation,recognition,authorisation from any statutory body/unversity etc) operating from my property,that doles out degrees & diplomas,of which i ve caught hold of the xerox copy of an issued diploma certificate.It has operated for 18 years,in collusion with local Police.
2.An FIR has been registered under sections 467,468,471,420 & 34 IPC by Police itself,based on my complaint but they have not registered my FIR that contains more serious charges.
3.The fake concern is a private partnership firm that is disallowed to run technical education under AICTE norms.But in its partnership deed,it claims of providing technical jobs to youth after training in it.
4.Its prospectus mentions the various engineering & management courses.
5.It has declared itself to the DTE,Odisha as a society falsely & obtained recommendation for 2 acres of land allotment to it.
6.With the help of local Police,it has managed to hide all certificates & the Police has written in its case diary that it has not recovered any certificate issued,falsely.
7.In its anticipatory bail petition it has mentioned that it is conducting some "BASIC COURSES" in fire safety & that the DTE is happy with its courses.
8.It is bribing Police & some past students to keep mouths shut.
I ve the following things to ask-
1.Can anybody run something like "Basic Courses",without any authorisation of any kind for an educational institution,that also supposedly helps people get jobs?
2.Can any "Basic training" be given for money,that is supposed to help people find jobs & without any certification?
3.I ve RTI reply from fire services opining that Fire Safety training is risky to life & that this institution has absolutely no authorisation.It doesnt even have a service tax registration or trade licence.
I know it is faking,Kindly suggest what steps to take so that its bail petition is rejected & the real fact is brought to light-not like some "Basic training" is happening.
Asked 8 years ago in Civil Law
Thanks .All suggestions taken.
The institution had
(A)2 websites that it has shut down(but I have the contents as printouts)
(B)If it doesnt own up to its own prospectus,marksheet or a diploma certificate issued
(C)It has asked a trade website which had marked it as a verified supplier of fire safety equipments,to remove its verification mark but i have the print outs,
How do I present these things in the court,so that they can count in conviction?
(The student who gave me his degree certificate & marksheet doesnt want to give evdence as he's afraid)
I ve a video of class being taken,google images of courses written on institution walls,&filling of fire cylinders and admission by counsellor about business.
Asked 8 years ago