• Conducting academic course without any kind of authorisation

1.There is a illegal fire safety engineering training institute(without any affiliation,recognition,authorisation from any statutory body/unversity etc) operating from my property,that doles out degrees & diplomas,of which i ve caught hold of the xerox copy of an issued diploma certificate.It has operated for 18 years,in collusion with local Police.
2.An FIR has been registered under sections 467,468,471,420 & 34 IPC by Police itself,based on my complaint but they have not registered my FIR that contains more serious charges.
3.The fake concern is a private partnership firm that is disallowed to run technical education under AICTE norms.But in its partnership deed,it claims of providing technical jobs to youth after training in it.
4.Its prospectus mentions the various engineering & management courses.
5.It has declared itself to the DTE,Odisha as a society falsely & obtained recommendation for 2 acres of land allotment to it.
6.With the help of local Police,it has managed to hide all certificates & the Police has written in its case diary that it has not recovered any certificate issued,falsely.
7.In its anticipatory bail petition it has mentioned that it is conducting some "BASIC COURSES" in fire safety & that the DTE is happy with its courses.
8.It is bribing Police & some past students to keep mouths shut.

I ve the following things to ask-
1.Can anybody run something like "Basic Courses",without any authorisation of any kind for an educational institution,that also supposedly helps people get jobs?
2.Can any "Basic training" be given for money,that is supposed to help people find jobs & without any certification?
3.I ve RTI reply from fire services opining that Fire Safety training is risky to life & that this institution has absolutely no authorisation.It doesnt even have a service tax registration or trade licence.

I know it is faking,Kindly suggest what steps to take so that its bail petition is rejected & the real fact is brought to light-not like some "Basic training" is happening.
Asked 8 years ago in Civil Law

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7 Answers

1)draw attention of the court to its prospectus wherein it mentions it is running engineering and management courses

2) also draw attention of court to diploma s issued by institute and RTI reply received from fire service that

Fire Safety training is risky to life & that this institution has absolutely no authorisation

3) it cannot run basic courses without any authorisation

4) if it charging fees then for offering basic traning it must offer some certifcation which is dulty recognised by the authorities

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97643 Answers
7904 Consultations

q.The organisation is certainly a fake one and is doing business in complicity with local police. So getting the investigation by local police would only exonerate them.

2. File a writ petition in high court for transfer of the investigation to another agency like crime branch or preferably CBI.

3.Since the fate of hundreds of gullible candidates are involved this must be investigated by CBI and if you apply for the same I am sure the court would allow it.

4. Make AICTE party to the writ petition.

Devajyoti Barman
Advocate, Kolkata
23361 Answers
524 Consultations

1.Can anybody run something like "Basic Courses",without any authorisation of any kind for an educational institution,that also supposedly helps people get jobs?

A. no one can run an institute without affiliation, if such institute has been running you can file a complaint (if FIR is not being registered) before the magistrate under section 200 code of criminal procedure. courses (whether basic or advance) require validity and without proper affiliation court has no validity.

Shivendra Pratap Singh
Advocate, Lucknow
5127 Answers
78 Consultations

Q. Kindly suggest what steps to take so that its bail petition is rejected & the real fact is brought to light-not like some "Basic training" is happening.

A. you should file a PIL before the high court that an illegal institute (in devoid of proper affiliation) has been running in your premises/property and imminent danger has been causing by the institute in the vicinity. If any accident may take place in the institute it may cause great danger and loss to us. institute has no safety measure as per the norms and standard. so kindly pass an order or direction against the institute to immediate stop the courses or shut the institute.

Shivendra Pratap Singh
Advocate, Lucknow
5127 Answers
78 Consultations

1) you can rely upon the printouts of the website taken by you

2)also copy of its prospectus , mark sheets / diploma certificate

3)enclose the said documents in the intervenor application taken out by you for opposing anticipatory bail

4) also forward these documents to the investigating officer

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97643 Answers
7904 Consultations

I know it is faking,Kindly suggest what steps to take so that its bail petition is rejected & the real fact is brought to light-not like some "Basic training" is happening.

Since your complaint has already been converted into a FIR, you may wait and watch the development.

If you want to file an intervene petition before the court stating that the bail application is not maintainable, you may adduce the same in the form of an affidavit.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
87844 Answers
2366 Consultations

How do I present these things in the court,so that they can count in conviction?

You can collect the evidence and produce them before court during the court proceedings when you are examined in chief.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
87844 Answers
2366 Consultations

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