Greetings!! I am from Jaipur, Got married in Oct 13. Wife was of unstable mind under her family's influence. She left me thrice and i tried to convince her and took her back fearing End of my Matrimonial alliance.
Finally she left my house on March 15 and never came back.
NOW she has filed DV / Divorce and maintenance case against me. She also wants me to pay her lawyer fee and 2000 for every court date.
She is MBA in Finance and earns Rs. 37000 per month while I earn 52000.
Do i need to give her any alimony? maintainence? Lawyer fee etc.
I am not in hurry for Divorce and can linger on the things as she seems more keen for Divorce.
Any suggestions for me? Thanks in Advance.
Asked 8 years ago in Family Law
Religion: Sikh