In India, prostitution (the exchange of sexual services for money) is legal, but a number of related activities, including soliciting in a public place, kerb crawling, owning or managing a brothel, prostitution in a hotel, child prostitution, pimping and pandering, are crimes.
A kerb crawler (or curb crawler) is a person who drives around areas known for street prostitution soliciting prostitutes for sexual activity. The act is known as "kerb crawling" because the person will typically drive very slowly along the kerbside.
I dont think you were a kerb crawler.
Clients who consort with prostitutes or indulge in such activities within 200 yards of a designated area can be imprisoned for a maximum of 3 months and they need to pay fines for the same as well.
In your case the alleged police personnel also may be frauds involved in the crime to extort money from innocent victims like you in connivance with the call girls.
In the event of the policemen approaching you once again for the money, you may agree to give them, but you may alert the DVAC police to trap and nab the culprits.