Neighbours bought stay order over house renovation
We are renovating our old house in Goa where we currently residing. We made a mistake by starting the construction before taking any permission from Municipality. Neighbours who are jealous of us, filed a complaint to municipality about the same. Municipality have sent a stay order and asked to stop the construction. Complaints was about dust, disturbance and other petty issues. Construction is currently being halted.
We immediately applied for the Permission at the Municipality by submitting the required documents with renovation plan. Since Goa is currently having Elections, all the Govt. work is stalled. CO has given a date in March when both the parties can discuss along with him and come up with a solution.
Neighbours are adamant and threatening us to take this matter to court.
Till then the whole house is wide open and my Parents (both senior citizen), my kid (5yrs), my wife and me are staying there. Its dangerous at nite as the house is wide open and we still have to stay in this condition because of the stay order.
Can actually a stay order be called for such petty issues ?
How do we expedite this Process ?
How soon the stay order can be revoked ?
What about the mental harassment that my Parents are going through ?
~ Gk
Asked 7 years ago in Property Law
Religion: Hindu
1. How much time will this process take if the matter do not get resolved at CO level ?
2. If we take the next steps and file the petition in High Court, how long it will take to revoke the stay order ?
Asked 7 years ago