Harassment by private universities
My daughter has joined B.Arch in 2012 for a 5 years course from Dehradun Institute of Technology Dehradun (Autonomous Batch of Uttarakhand Technical University). Its a 5 year course with 2 semester each. She cleared Ist and 2nd year and also 5th semester of 3rd year. In 2015 January (i.e. during 6th Semester) her knee was dislocated and she remained bed ridden for months together due to wrong diagnosis and treatment by Ortho specialist. After getting treatment of Allopathy, Homeopathy, Ghughu Pahalwan Shahdara Delhi her condition became normal. Meanwhile she was allowed to appear for 4 External Examination out of 7 which she cleared in July-Aug 2015. but despite requests internals were not conducted. She was also not allowed to register for 7th Semester of 4th year. Meanwhile she went for 7th term training and completed successfully. After that she went to submit the training material for jury but Dean Anubha Kachroo who is main villain of the college refused to entertain and threatened that SHE WILL NOT ALLOW MY DAUGHTER TO PASS B.ARCH IN ANY case. Thus we contacted Director, Vice Chancellor, Owner of the college but they did not heard anything and kept in harassing. We approached Secretary Higher Education who directed college to resolve the issue but the same was not obeyed stating that AS PER Council of Architecture rules she can not be promoted to 4th year. Dean Anubha Kachroo kept on threatening on one pretext or another saying that I will see how you will pass, i will give you Zero in all subjects, I will tell the Jury to fail etc.etc. Even preponing the scheduled examination without any information and so on. My DAUGHTER IS under severe depression and consuming pills for sleeping at young age of 22 years.
Thus after searching your site I quoted the judgement given Mumbai High Court in Ishan Darekar Vs University of Pune in which Counsel on behalf of Council of Architecture has clearly stated that "It has come to notice of the Council that some Colleges/Universities are detaining students on the pretext that they have failed in one or more subjects, but it is made clear that No student should be detained in Ist or 2nd Stage of B.Arch course on this ground unless he/she has 5 years to complete the subjects.
On relying this my daughter who has only 3 papers left in 3rd year should have been permitted for 4th year but was not allowed because of Dean who kept on harassing and Management says that we are not governed by COA rule nor by State Rule as this is Pvt.University. It is pertinent to mention her that the College got University Status in 2013 and particular batch of 2012 comes under Uttarakhand Technical University Dehradun.
I wrote to Governor, PMO, Education Ministry, etc. etc. but nobody came to my rescue. I approached Education Minister Office, VC UTU but nobody is ready to help and my daughter is under state of depression and threatening to end her life saying that why she is being harassed without any fault by DEAN.
I had been writing letters, mails, messages to Chairman of University, Secretary Higher Education, and other officials to save my daugher but nothing happened because of Anubha Kachroo, Dean.
who has been harrassing number of students of B.Arch stream. almost all students are being harassed by failing them in on or two subjects and threatening them year back and taking hefty money from them as college fee.
Now we request legal help though Court directing the Uttarakhand Technical Univrersity to
-Complete her 7th & 8th Semester,
- Conducting special examination of 8th & 9TH Semester.
- Allowing for registration of 4th and 5th year simultaneously.
- Allowing for submission of thesis from this month to June 2017.
Asked 8 years ago in Constitutional Law