Offer of pre-possession in lieu of possession
Hi, I had bought a flat on 30:70 scheme in Jaypee wishtown project Noida. The builder as per agreement is supposed to demand final 70% payment on offer of possession to me. Now he has ccome up with a new term called "pre possession offer" where he is asking for full 70% payment in advance and then only he will complete the flat finishing works. On checking I found major works like tiling false roofing unfinished. I asked the builder to complete and then only demand payment. Instead he levied interest @12% and has steadily increased the amount to be paid. My question -
1. Can I get him to retract the interest payment , through legal action if necessary.
2. When he is offering possession what all documents like OC etc are needed to be included where I can put counter pressure on him to first complete the project.
Asked 8 years ago in Property Law
Religion: Hindu
What is definition of "Offer of possession" and can the builder arbitrarily change it to pre possession demand?
Asked 8 years ago