Land purchased when i was minor
My father purchased a plot in 1969 and registered in my name when I was a minor of 14 yrs age.He had never informed about this to me but accidently found the document recently and through a agent tried to locate the plot. All ECS from 1969 till date refelects my name only but because there was overlapping in survey nos the complete layout originally shown in my document is not talling now .There was an open area allotted for park in my plan but now a house is built on it and in my plot there is a house constructed and they have all the documents of registration.My agent says this has happened due to overlapping of the survey nos so he says that due to the mistake of the GHMC if there is still open land not claimed till now they can allot a land equivillant to as per our document area after giving due notice .There is still open land there which may be left for the park as per orginal plan..So I want to know what my agent says is correct and how far it will stand in court if somebody in future objects or claims the allotted land..Secondly I have a sister born in 1970 whether she can claim a share in this land has she got a right in it
Asked 8 years ago in Property Law
Religion: Hindu