Now B does not agree on this and threatening to go to court If Plot Transfer to D and B does not sign on documents to proceed further. In that Scenario C A both agree to dispose plot on D name.
How to transfer name on record C to D on Joint Patta according to Muslim Community?
Patta is not the title document.
The title document is on the name of the decesed person hence upon his intestate death the property devolves on the heirs of the deceased and as per Sharia law of inheritance the property after allotment for funeral expenses, shall be distributed in proportionate to the eligibility of the heirs/successors in interest.
Accordingly the widow shall be entitled to 1/6th share in the property after that it shall be on the basis of 2:1 for son and daughter respectively.
B is daughter and she is entitled to half share to the share of her brother out of her father's property.
Transferring of the entire property in the revenue records is unlawful and invalid. She can apply for separate patta in respect of her share alone in the property.
Also grandmother C can execute a gift in respect of her share in the property to D and not beyond that.
Similarly A also can transfer his share of property alone to D and not the entire property.
Which will be best Documents according to you which can not be revoked by court If B go to court?
The documents in your possession are to be seen to confirm the valdidity of the same before court of law.
How to split patta separately to D name & its Procedure?
To get patta on the name of D, first the property has to be transferred on her name after which she can apply for separate patta with the revenue department.
What are all legal procedure to avoid future tussle with B or by any contestant ?
The legal procedure is to first get proper partition and then transfer it to D's name