Registration of lease deed has to be done within maximum period of 4 months
2) with penalty another 4 months
3) request UIT to execute deed of confirmation
4) the un regd deed can be enclosed to the deed of confirmation
After death of my mother i want to transfer her house in my name through registered will.This house was purchased in 1965 from someone who was a original allotee from UIT ALWAR.There was a lease deed between UIT and the original allottee which is not registered in sub registrar office.UIT has changed the name in favour of my mother. Now i want to transfer it in my name but in absence of registered lease they are not taking any action. What should i do now?
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Registration of lease deed has to be done within maximum period of 4 months
2) with penalty another 4 months
3) request UIT to execute deed of confirmation
4) the un regd deed can be enclosed to the deed of confirmation
four months from which date?
Registration has to be done within 4 months of execution of lease deed with penalty another 4 months
Firstly the leasehold has to be converted into freehold in favor of the original allotted or or mother.
The UIT ALWAR authorities may be approached for this conversion and get this deed registered.
After conversion you may enforce the registered will and get the property records transferred on your name including mutation.