• Harassment of my senior citizen parents by neighbours

Hi Sir,

We live in a builder floor having 4 floor. Total 3 family resides here one in Upper Ground (UG) we live in 1st floor and 2nd and 3rd floor is owned by one family. Family residing in 2nd & 3rd floor is constantly harassing my senior citizen parents. They had also broken the main entrance (on 10th February 2017) lock and and after that we started using manual lock. Now on 20th April they again abused my parents and threatened us not to use the manual lock. They told us that the main entrance would remain open all time and it is causing serious security problems. 

This was not a first issue we had started living here from May 2015 and in every 3-4 months they created nuisance. 2 complaints had also been lodged with local police station.

Further all this is done when we leave for office and it is causing trouble to my parents.

We need your help in understanding is there any law which can prevent our neighbors to stop harassing my parents.
Asked 8 years ago in Civil Law

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5 Answers

1)your parents can call senior citizen helpline 1291 in delhi

2) Delhi Police Saturday launched a mobile application for senior citizens to enable them to reach out to the police quickly in emergency situations.

3) They will be able to send an SOS through the application that will immediately be transferred to the SHO and beat constable concerned.

4) Those registered on the app will have the facility of pressing an SOS button for emergency call to the senior citizens helpline 1291. An alert will go to 24X7 control room with location of the caller and a simultaneous alert in the form of an SMS will go to the area SHO, beat officer and a pre-assigned contact,”

5) your parents can file police complaint against your neighbours . if police refuse to take action file complaint before magistrate under section 156(3) of cr pc to direct police to investigate and submit report

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97695 Answers
7909 Consultations

1)your parents can call senior citizen helpline 1291 in delhi

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97695 Answers
7909 Consultations

1. Lodge a complaint with local police seeking necessary releif.

2. if the police does not do anything then file a case u/s 133 crpc whereby the magistrate would direct the police to stop the nuisance.

3. Additionally civil suit for injunction can also be filed to stop the nuisance.

You choose either of the three options.

Devajyoti Barman
Advocate, Kolkata
23366 Answers
525 Consultations

Locking of main entrance which is a common to the neighbor may be a cause of concern.

The neighbors may not be comfortable to open the main entrance which is always locked.

You are worried about your parents security whereas they are worried about their convenience.

You somehow have to adjust with the arrogant neighbors to bearable extent.

After that you can establish your right to live a peaceful life by making complaint with the local police for the unbearable nuisance and against the abuses.

A complaint for protection of senior citizens and their safety from the arrogant neighbors may also be made with the police.

For your case remedies are available both under the civil and criminal. Each and everyone is having the right to lead a peaceful life.

First issue them legal notice and call upon them to take all measures to stop the disturbance immediately and thereafter you may decide to take up the matter either through criminal law through police complaint or file a complaint in the court directly seeking relief agaisnt such disturbances.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
87893 Answers
2367 Consultations

We need to know is there any NGO/ police cell which provide immediate remedy to senior ctizen.

A complaint with the local police station will ensure safety to the senior citizens who live alone in the flat.

No NGO will take up such cases or will follow it up properly.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
87893 Answers
2367 Consultations

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