1. We had agreed on this and did not allow our tenant to park there but kept our own old car in place. Can you pls let me know if this is something they can legally do?
If this has been resolved in the society general body meeting, you cannot refuse to obey this ruling.
The parking space and its administration is fully controlled by the society.
2. I am confused on this as by putting a property on rent does not mean I have lost my membership rights to the society. I have been paying maintenance charges plus car parking charges and also non-occupancy charges to the society till date with no issues.
The society bye laws will speak on this. You may visit the bye laws as well as the resolutions passed by the general body meeting in this regard. If you dont find any such law then you may agitate and send a notice to the secretary of the society.
3. They are also trying to prove that my old car is becoming a health hazard and that they are looking to move it out - following which i believe they will try to enforce the above decision.
They have sent me a notice and would like to understand what I can respond and if needed send a legal notice from my end
If you have received a notice in this regard, it becomes yor duty to issue a reply notice to the society.
You may consult a local advocate and issue a strong reply notice denying the false allegations leveled therein.