My nana (maternal grandfather) has 4 son and 2 daughters, all married. 3 son had been seperated 10 years before and nana had given then home land for living but agricultural land is with nana. nana live with eldest son who uses land for crop production. now nana want to transfer all his agricultural land and one home land to his eldest son only. but all other 3 sons are saying that they want equal share in all land that is undivided till now and they will not allow to sell or transfer land to eldest son only. verbal fight occur among all of them monthly. i want to know how my nana can transfer all his agricultural land to eldest son only?? can he sell some part of land?? plz give details about all legal aspect...can other 3 son claim for that land if nana transfer it to his eldest son only, even after nana death??????
Asked 8 years ago in Property Law
Religion: Hindu