Testator owner of the Property from the beginning
My father bought my mother a house in 1960s in Delhi. My mother never worked which means the house would have been bought with the income derived by my father. My father died in 1984. My mother sold that house in 2005 to buy another one in the same year. She made a WILL bequething the house in my favour as I looked after her all her life. She died in 2012. I had a sister who died 2015 leaving behind her husband and three kids. I want to sell this house now. Can I sell it?
Asked 8 years ago in Property Law
Religion: Sikh
If the need of getting "no objection" from legal heirs of my deceased sister suggested/recommended in the property in question then this could probably be because of the fact that the property is being treated as ancestral property as it was not purchased by income earned by my mother even though she was the owner from the beginning. According to the WILL the above property devolves into my favour on death of my mother and I have been named the beneficiary in the WILL.
What if legal heirs of my deceased sister raise objection to the property devolving into my favour and subsequently the sale of it?
Asked 8 years ago