1. The contract is clear about the compensation if any dispute arises. But how to trap the broker who has sold this plot with his power of attorney.
The power of attorney agent alone is not responsible for this fraud but the principal is also liable to answer this question.
2. Should we file an fir against the party .
If you have been cheated then you may lodge a criminal complaint agaisnt the culprit.
3. Since we will be building a house will it be feasable legal wise to cling on and fight.Every document is clear with us.
You can proceed with the construction work if there is no stay or injunction agaisnt this.
4. The party had filled fir against our associates/relatives but not directly to us I.e. owner nd direct relative.
Then what is your worry. Since the property is in your possession, let them initiate legal proceedings agaisnt you after which you can challenge them.