1. You have taken the strange step of agreeing to stay with your husband and run physical relationship with another person.
2. You should have filed a divorce petition long back which would have been disposed of by this time.
3. Planting good bye kiss on the cheek is not considered as having physical relationship. Moreover, by proving that you have s*xual relationship out of your wedlock he can claim divorce and/or bring the charge of adultery against your paramour and for proving s*xual relationship out of the wedlock, he shall have to collect evidence like hotel register showing night staying together, copulating photographs etc. Make sure that he can not collect such evidence.
4. File a divorce suit immediately on the ground of cruelty submitting evidence of his cruel acts/abuses, refusing to have s*x with you, not supporting you financially etc.
5. Generally, custody of female child is given to the mother unless she remarries and consent of the child is asked while passing such order of custody which is settled keeping in mind the welfare of the child.