• Case status: list this petition in category of regular matters

The case relates to a promotion case under Central Goverment Flexible compllimentary scheme (FCS) of Scientists.The case has been filed on 29/01/2016 and has been listed 8 times in last year.Vide last hearing the following orders have been issued by the honourable judge:
1. Admit
2. List this petition in due course in the category of ‘Regular
Matters’ as per the year of its seniority.
a) Will listing this case under regular matter cause more delay and what is its implications?If this case gets delayed then the whole case will become infructous because in 2 years we will be due for next round of promotions.
b) Any legal remedy to get the case out of category regular matters?
Asked 7 years ago in Civil Law

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4 Answers

1) it means your petition will come on board for final hearing in due course .

2) as and when petitions of 2016 are heard your case will appear on board.

3) apply to court for expedited hearing of your petition as in 2 years petition would become infructous

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
95533 Answers
7656 Consultations

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1) you should ask your lawyer as to which year final hearing petitions are being heard at present

2) if for instance at present 2006 cases are being heard your petition will appear on board for final hearing after 10 years

3) you have to apply to chief justice for expedited hearing of your petition . if the court is satisfied it would direct final hearing of your petition to be expedited

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
95533 Answers
7656 Consultations

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a) Will listing this case under regular matter cause more delay and what is its implications?If this case gets delayed then the whole case will become infructous because in 2 years we will be due for next round of promotions.

The delayed listing of the case may not have any adverse impact to the matter for promotion, the court will pass orders accordingly


b) Any legal remedy to get the case out of category regular matters

Your advocate who takes up the matter would be a better person to opine about the prevailing circumstances.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
85734 Answers
2266 Consultations

5.0 on 5.0

You wanted to have opinion about the prevailing situation. Practically speaking your advocate who takes up the issue should be able to handle the situation and to communicate the status to you.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
85734 Answers
2266 Consultations

5.0 on 5.0

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