A DV case filed after almost 10 years of separation may not be maintainable.
As per the provisions of the DV act which is given hereinbelow the relationship has to be present as on the date of filing this complaint.
"2 (a) "aggrieved person" means any woman who is, or has
been, in a domestic relationship with the respondent and
who alleges to have been subjected to any act of domestic
violence by the respondent"
The use of the word is any woman 'who is' or 'has been'. Both
the expressions are in the present tense. The legislature has not used the
word 'who was' or 'had been'. This means the domestic relationship has to be
in the present and not in the past. The definition requires that on the date Act
come into force, the woman should be in domestic relationship.
In your case the marriage was annulled in the year 2009 and there has been no relationship between you and her till this date, hence the DV case may not be maintainable.
The definition of domestic relationship given under Section 2
(f) further supports the view that the requirement under D.V.Act is that the
relationship which is the basis of invoking the jurisdiction under D.V.Act
has to be in the present. Section 2 (f) of the D.V.Act reads as under:
(f) "domestic relationship" means a relationship
between two persons who live or have, at any point
of time, lived together in a shared household, when
they are related by consanguinity, marriage, or
through a relationship in the nature of marriage,
adoption or are family members living together as a
joint family;
The definition clearly speaks of a domestic relationship
between two persons who live or have at any point of time lived together in
a shared household and are related by marriage or through a relationship in
the nature of marriage. This definition also speaks about the existence of a
relationship by marriage or a relationship in the nature of marriage at the
time. The expression used is 'are related' by marriage. The expression by the
legislature is not 'were related'. From the bare reading of these two
provisions it is apparent that the intention of the legislature is to protect
those women who are living in a domestic relationship.