Purchase of flat where housing society is not registered
I wish to purchase a residential flat in Kandivali. The building is 20 years old , society is not yet registered. As informed by the owner of the flat, adhoc committee is formed and the members have initiated the society registration process. Moreover, the society registration is delayed as one of the members is abroad. Therefore his consent is yet to be obtained. The seller has all registered agreements with him. The adhoc committee members informed me that the building has received CC and OC and they are ready to provide NOC to the Bank to mortgage the said flat. Therefore I won't face any problem while getting my loan sanctioned from the Bank. Since title is clear. Kindly guide me if there will be any legal difficulties to get the clear title of the flat. Is it possible to get such flat transferred in my name without any legal complications
Asked 8 years ago in Property Law
Religion: Hindu
My concern is what precautions should I take before purchasing a flat in proposed Co. Op housing society where building is 20 years old and builder is not available to issue NOC. Can adhoc committee issue valid NOC. Moreover, as informed by committee members , the registration process of society is delayed coz though majority members are ready to register society, 1 or 2 members are abroad. The society will be formed only after thier consent is obtained. It may take more than 1 year. Is it true. As per my understanding if majority of members are ready. They can form society without waiting for few members who are not available. Will i get clear title of the flat in such circumstances. Please guide me in this matter.
Asked 8 years ago