Transfer of property with forged signature in uk

,i want to discuss about a case which is related to us . my grandmother who is permanent residence of southhall uk, and also my father's two real sister are permanent residence of uk. after my grandfather's death in uk he did not make any will about his property , so because of this my grandmother and my aunt made a fraud signature of my father and my uncle the had been trasfered the property on her name which should be divided in all the childrens. but they used illegle way to transfered the property and wrong sign of my father , which had been proved by DSP office jalandhar ,but SSP the supritendent of police not file an FIR againt those people because he said that the crime has been happened in UK so i cant FILE FIR aginst those people, but at the end enquiry of DSP proved that the sign of my fahter is wrong , you can also take a copy of their enquiry through RTI ACT INDIA. we are financialy very weak to hadlle this case from here , because we face very dificultiies because of corrupetion.