Domestic Disputes

Dear Sir, I stay in Hyderabad. We partitioned our Father's property in the year 2012 after making a Family agreement deed and also a partition deed.My brother has taken the existing building and land and I have taken the open land and constructed the property.The Partitioned deed was duly registered with the Registration department. Now , the dispute is my father had one water connection taken in the year 1965 ( for which no documents are available now) and one more connection was taken by me in the year 2005 by spending my hard earned money(All the original documents are with me) as my brother refused to give am single drop of water and me and wife faced lot of difficulties at that time and took a second connection and paid all the Bills from 2005 till now.. Nothing about these water connections are mentioned in any of the / Family agreement. Now my Brother wants this connection which was taken in my father's name just because the house no.has gone to his share.he has approached the Water Works Dept.,Hyderabad and I have also submitted a counter to the Department. Please let me know the legal angle to this dispute as this is the only source of drinking water to us. Best Regards Jawahar