Copensation from hawkers

It was 18 th of June 2016 I was looking to buy a back cover for my smartphone from a Kolkata street hawker.the hawker asked me to show my mobile and took my mobile in his hand.He holded my mobile so carelessly that it had fallen down from his hands to road my smartphone screen was broken into pieces.My phone was a costly one and eventually I demanded compensation from him.which he refused to pay and charged me that my old back cover was loose. so it's ok that that phone had fallen down and he won't pay a single rupee as a compensation l can complain anywhere. If it was purchase from a shop i would've directly complained to consumer forum. But it was not a purchase and i don't know where and how to complain as it took more than rs17300/- (as the phone was of 50000/-)to bring it back to working condition. Now my question is that how to seek compensation from that hawker who broke my phone and refused to pay?is there any other way of punishment I can think of? As I'm not a permanent resident of kolkata(as the. Incident happened in Kolkata)its difficult for me to know where i can lodge a complain for my there any way out?