Contested divorce

Husband left me alone in his parents house for nearly 6 months. Inlaws intentionally seperated us for no reason. We stayed together for 4-5 months. Inlaws disrespected me and my parents in several occasions. Then i had a miscarriage due to distress while staying with inlaws. But they twisted it like, i wanted an abortion at 1st month and demeaned the baby. So the baby died. Then he abandoned me at my parents home for 8 months and restricted me to come to our house in Bangalore and said i wanted to go to his parents house or else i can't live with him. When i went to our house he abandoned me in our house for months. I left home twice in frustration just for 2 hours then i returned home even i left by texting him. His mother threatened me with suicidal because i didn't talk to her. So i said ur mother threatened me with that i would do the same Then lied to me about bringing me to his parents house and took me to police station where i get to know about unilateral divorce proceedings under mental cruelty with this reasons, he is an airforce officer.I refused the divorce. What should i do