Refund amount not given by builder against flat booking cancelled and registered Agreement not happening

Hi, I have booked the flat in one of the reputed builder project via Rs. 1 lakh token amount and 10664/- amount at the time of booking which is less than 10 percent amount of total flat cost. Almost 2 months over till builder not done the registered agreement and meantime I realised that they told false commitment about total project area and construction area. On Rera it shows less project area and builder sales and CRM team told different statements about project total area and amenities. So I had decided to cancel the flat booking to avoid future problem with me as they are unable to clarify my doubts against their project areas and amenities. Even they shared transaction receipts almost 45 days later. Now they told me they are applying cancellation charges almost Rs 1 lakh which is not acceptable for me, as they doesn't telle at the time of token amount submission and booking amount submission. Please help me how can I deal with this situation as I need my refund amount of Rs 1 lakh. Thanks