Ex female colleague harassing me

There is this girl who worked with me in his previous company. I was her manager. She was very introvert and did not mingle with anyone in the team. I tried to talk to her and persuade her in opening up and mixing up with team members. I have left that job now. This girl after a few months started sending him romantic and disturbing messages. Firstly I tried to ignore her. Then the frequency increased. So, I even called her and to stop that. In the past she also had told me about some psychotic thing she did during her college days - she liked a boy who was in relationship with other girl. In jealousy she posted their private conversations and photos online. It had become a police case then. But she was laughing and telling about this incident. So, I am even afraid she might do some such thing. Also, is their a law for Indian males in such harassment cases under which I can lodge a complaint and restrain her from interfering in my life? I have all her emails as record that she has been sending me.