Society management is opening access to my covered parking. What to do?

Dear esteemed lawyers, I have purchased a flat from a builder in a housing project located in Pune (mofa, maharera applicable). There are two basement parking floors namely -2 and -1. The -2 level parking was fully allocated when I purchased my flat from the builder, and hence I selected a slot on -1 level. This parking with its serial number is a part of my registered sale agreement. During the sale process, I noticed that the access gate of this -1 parking to outside the compound is separate from the main gate of the society compound, while -2 parking can be accessed through the main gate itself. Also that the gate of -1 parking was locked. The builder mentioned that as there are no users currently for this parking it is locked and now as they are selling the flats, they will make arrangement to open the gate and appoint security guard within a month. Immediately after the sale and possession, lockdown happened and nothing progressed. After few months when the lockdown eased up I reached out to the builder again and they said that they have done the conveyance to the society and society management is not ready to open the gate. The society management committee (MC) is not ready to bear the extra expenses on the security guard appointment. for this separate gate. Also to note that all society management people are happily using their parking slots as they have been allotted parking on -2 level. I, and other flat holders who are allocated parking on this closed floor then raised the issue with society MC during meeting, and were told that society MC had discussed with the builder not to keep the access gate of the -1 parking outside the main gate, and the access should be via the main gate only. Now, my concern is, that the separate gate is a objection raised on the personal behest of the MC, however this gate and the way it is positioned or constructed is as per the sanctioned plan of the project. We the residents having no access to the parking are planning to take a legal recourse here as talks are not fruitful. MC is delaying the access since a year saying that they will have a meeting with the builder to provide alternate access. However, we do not see a provision to create any other access point without causing damage to the building. Hence I would request your opinion on what are our legal options here? Should we make only society management as party or should we add the builder as well? Is there any criminal angle to it or will it be purely a civil case? To clarify, the builder has never given any objection from his side whether oral or written, it is just that they had already done the conveyance prior to the sale of flats (who are having parking on -1 level) and did not disclose the facts about objections of the society MC. P.S. I marked religion as muslim but multiple flat owners having issue belong to Hindu, muslim and christian religions.