
Ours is a 22story building. OC is only up to the 12th floor. the builder has constructed 13to 22nd floors afterward. the builder has constructed the 19th +20floors +21part without CC. the 21st floor one flat + 22nd floor illegally constructed. the builder has violated DC rules. the builder left the project halfway. no OC has been granted because of noncompliance with DC our society managing committee is hiding real & true facts from general body members.. the city civil court was filed against the builder in 2009. in 2013 the managing committee decided for settlement with the builder. the case was kept on hold. the managing committee is from the NON-OC( from the beginning) part of the building. the society failed to inform the court, so the case was closed in Apr 2015. the managing committee is trying to get OC by completing the leftover work by the builder. the members have to pay an additional amount for the completion of leftover work. the managing committee is hiding the court case details from members to date. in AGMS, the Managing Committee tells that the case is kept in ABEYANCE for settlement from 2013 to till date even though the case is closed in the year 2015. as a member what am I supposed to do? I have written several letters to the managing committee for updates on a settlement with the builder. but the managing committee never bothered to reply to date. please advise. Thanks