Fake complaint by Filipino Facebook friend

Hi I have been chatting with an online Filipino Facebook friend last few months whom I met on a dating site. Recently we had a major fight as I found her to be of scamming nature and out to extort money. There were abuses from both ends. I admit I too was angry and hurled some abuses and threats at her on facebook. She then resorts to blackmail saying she has taken screenshots of my chat on facebook messenger and complained to the authorities in India. She is extremely immature and did not specify which authority. I then blocked her. She has a lot of Indian facebook friends who probably advised her on this. She wouldn’t complain to the authorities in her country because she knows the authorities in her country would not even entertain her but she thinks that Indian authorities will entertain her fake claims. Really funny how these people think authorities are there to sort out facebook differences such is her level of maturity. Now I need to ask how credible this threat of hers is. Will whichever authority she has complained to track me down from facebook messeges and comments. Overall I need to ask if some foreign national like this Filipino girl makes a complaint about an Indian about the messages and comments on facebook, will the police here in India take any action. How valid is that complaint by a foreigner against an Indian for social media comments and messeges. Appreciate your advise