Custody of my son age 9 years 3 months

Mine is a love marriage, girl is a Christian, both got married in Aarya Samaj as per Hindu traditions. My wife is a home maker and I work in private sector. I have two kids, boy 9.25 yrs and girl 5.75 yrs. Both of us are having issues among ourselves since few years . Every time there is a issue my wife goes to her moms place and refuse to come back. After sometime I only go and get her back by saying sorry. I do this every time whether the mistake is from my side or her side. I just want my family to be back, hence I don’t mind saying sorry. In January, there was a small argument and my wife again left to her moms place. I sent my little girl with her and my boy wanted to be with me. In the evening she comes with two advocates demanding the custody of my boy and I refused and asked them to come with formalities. After 10 days they gave a police complaint that I kept my boy with me by force. Inspector spoke to my boy and he clearly stated that he wanted to be with me (dad). I was given back the custody of my boy by the police. After 15 days, I have only voluntarily sent my boy to my wife’s place and wanted them to not miss each other and also my girl so that she does not miss her brother. I again got both of my kids back to my place after 15 days. This cycle happened okay for two months. Last month I dropped both my kids and told that I will pick them back after 10 days. After 10th day, my calls were not answered for three days and finally my wife said she will not give back my son and told me to do whatever I can. She says that my kids are terrified of talking to me and they don’t want to come back. She also refuses to make my kids talk to me over phone and it’s been over a month that I didnt speak to my kids. I love all three of them and I don’t want to go for divorce also. I just want to get custody of both my kids, please advise.