Salary reduced so unable to pay 1 personal loan and 3 credit cards EMI

Hello sir...i am from chennai. Before pandemic i got salary very good so i bought personal loan for some medical emergencies for my mother and father and also i bought some consumer goods via credit card as emi. Till feb month i paid emi correctly because salary came correctly. But from march month my salary got reduced 30% so i unable to pay the credit cards emi and 1 personal loan emi. Other loan such as home loan and car loan able to i am paying.. after iam not able to pay the credit card emi and personal loan i got calls from the bank and they are harrasing me. talking in bad words and asking me to pay. even i showed proof that my salary got less also they are not beliving. my wife and kids got afraid of this incident. So i am planning to upscond from the current location to some other location. if i upscond means how they are able to sue me if i was not in the address.?. I am planning to pay the other loan after closed the loans which i am paying. But bank is not accepting the pay later. kindly provide solution. I have new born kids also.