Dv case
I ( Ajay Sharma) am 45 years old and got married in feb,2014. My wife stayed with me till 2012 but in this period she did not stay with us completely. She us to spent maximum of time with her parents and we have no issue (Child) even relationship with each other in this 8 years. In 2012, my relative and her friends motivate her or convince her to go for IVF if she don't want child form husband or have some problem. She got agree and want to doctor. In this Procedure she conceived but after 45 days pregnancy, She start eating medicine given by her parents after the advice of doctor she did not stop the medicine and she got aborted.
In may 2012. She went to her parental home again and in dec 2012 she file a DV case against me. In which is demand 11 lacs Compulsation amount and also file charges against me to sale her ornaments, not to give food and cloths to her etc.
Now from last two(2) yeras case is going on. I am earning 12300/- per month and a maintenance of Rs 3000/- is decided by Honorable court to her every month.
Sir, I am alone in my family with my father (89 years old) and mother (86 years) both are heard of hearing. My father is heart patience from last 10 years. I have file divorce patition in court also but she refuse to contest. Now the divorce case is ex-party.
Please guide me but i have to do so that i can take relief as soon as possible.