Blocking my saving account for delaying credit card payment

Hi, I'm having saving/Salary account with ICICI bank and also credit card. Total outstanding of my credit card is Rs.112000.00 out of Rs.129000 credit limit. Every month I was paying only minimum due last two months there was a delay in minimum due payment but I have done the payment with interest. For that reason they have blocked my saving/Salary account (including my RD and balance money) without any prior notice and warning ,when their executive called me ,they have asked me to pay Rs..9850 immediately ,done the payment and shared the receipt details. Irrespective of that they have blocked my account and asking me to clear total outstanding Rs.112000.00 until that they can't unblock my account for further transaction. I'm having only one account all transactions are happening through that bank ,now don't have money to spend for my personal expenses as well as to make any other payment. Could you please suggest me ,what I can do in this case ? Is there legal possibility to overcome this situation. Regards, Pradeep