Publication of research article without my consent

Myself Animesh Vashishth, pursuing Doctor of Pharmacy VI th year. Last year I had done a thesis on "Assessment of Medication related problem in general medicine ward of a teaching hospital",along with my partner, Arpit Maheshwari, as part of our PharmD curriculum. On 8th july, when i was using google, i saw an article which includes my name on it. it was published on the website, World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science. Arpit maheshwari has published the article using all the data which we collected and used the title of my dissertation for the article. The article was received on 19 April 2015, Revised on 10 May 2015, and accepted on 01 June 2015 by the website. the article was published in the volume 4, issue 6, page no 1709-19. The whole article which he has published on the website has not taken any consent of mine, either in verbal or in written form. I really dont have any idea also as he has submitted any document to the website or to the editor of that website, claiming my acceptance of publishing this article. The major thing which I like to mention here is, in the article,he has included all the major data which was beneficial for me for using it, in any kind of research work, or publication of any article/s in future. He even used the title of my dissertation, which makes a sense that i m not able to produce any article/s on the basis of my thesis. As I was the co partner in making the thesis, my name should be come after the correspondence author but he even wrote my name in the last, which makes a sense he does not give respect to my participation of my work. After I made a complaint to the editor of that website, the article was withdrawn. By I want to know whether, i can plea to court regarding this ,so this thing should not happen in future again.