Assisting in forex analysis.

My uncle who is a american green card holder who has lived there for over 15 years has taken an interest in Forex trading and has request me, his nephew to assist with analysis and entry and exit point for execution of trades, I.e its his account, his money, his american bank account with american dollars earned there itself by him connected to the broker, I simply will assist with placing the orders on his behalf based on my analysis. I had read that since Forex is speculative margin trading market with high risk that any losses taken were had to be paid back by the trader exchanging rupees to dollars at the RBI to cover said losses which resulted in debasing of the the INR hence making it illegal in India for someone to trade in foreign pairs except when trading a pair that includes the INR by specified foreign exchange brokers. So, if the money being used to trade is not Indian at all, neither is the bank account which in funding the trade connected to any Indian bank, and the person to whom the account belongs earns and invests in dollars, can an Indian legally assist said person with Forex trading on the former's account.