Physical and Mental abuse by Parents

So, there's a girl I know. She's always abused both mentally and physically by her parents. We recently secretly found that she's adopted too as she found some blood tests of her parents who are AB and B but she's O.[Biologically there's no way to get a child as such, it'll be noble prize material if it does]. So, she's sick. Has a tendon tear, fever, body pains and a lot of other stuff too. Still they make her work in the house and she has to cook for herself and when she's cooking for herself sometimes, they make her cook for them too. They don't give her any money and take away all her money too. The parents are so concerned about their own pride in the society that they don't even care if she broke any bone[Which she did] too because of their domestic violence. She doesn't have anyone else to turn to and our India isn't that established enough to do anything unless one has money. They even gave her random illegal medication given for her high BP when she has to go out, due to which she even got a mild myocardial infarction[heart attack sort] just before her exam and her professor was nice enough to take her to the hospital and to find out this was what happened. They don't let her consult any good doctors and cancel her appointments behind her and take her to their own doctors who are shit and tell her stupid stuff and say that she's acting and it isn't real. Which finally turned out to be cancer when she went out for studies and got it tested with her money she saved and spent the savings to treat herself without telling her parents. To the world, they put up a Facade that they are the best parents and stuff. They even, locked her in a room for five days without food and water just cause they found some gold chain missing only to find that it was just in someother box that they kept and forgot. She's a major, so child protection wouldn't work. We'd like to know if there are any laws against this to fight for her survival and freedom.