My Ex-Boyfriend is Harassing Me and threatening to ruin my life

I was in a relationship with a guy for 1yr. Through the time, I realised at multiple occasions that it was going very fast and we need to slow it down. Also, he never provided any emotional support and in turn called me crazy and mentally sick whenever I requested him to be more considerate. He would check my phone, call me a liar and cheater whenever I approached him about the differences. Eventually, I grew apart and stopped being available for him. He would make absurd comments and send dirty images and would force me into having sex despite my constant denial by making me feel guilty. I even tried to explain that this was wrong. He would promise that he would change but that never happened. I took the hard decision and broke up with him. Now, he has threatened me to hurt me and my family and that he would make sure I pay for it and my life gets ruined. At one point he even threatened to kill me if i tried to break up. I have recorded those calls. He is reaching out to my friends and telling them very bad and dirty things and asking them to get me back with him, or else he will have to hurt me. I have blocked him and his number everywhere. I have not been able to be normal or at peace. Despite knowing that its a lock down, every door bell scares me. I don't know what the lifting of lock down will bring. He works with a bank and hence he knows my address and my other details. How do I avoid any harm to my family. The last thing I want is to hurt my parents because of all this.